
Manci Man
Manci Man
Manci Man 文慧詩,現為世紀 21 奇豐(國際)物業有限公司的合伙人及執行董事,同為地產專欄作家及投資策略節目主持,以實戰經驗分享投資置業心得。


旅遊產業帶動日本經濟起動 投資旅遊區物業回報勝一籌

旅遊產業帶動日本經濟起動 投資旅遊區物業回報勝一籌

旅遊產業帶動日本經濟起動 投資旅遊區物業回報勝一籌 日本經濟可謂「再度起飛」! 除了股市之外,樓市亦相當暢旺,尤其當其他國家加息時,唯獨日本沒有,更在年初放寬貨款給海外買家,將按揭貸款放寬至最高7成,而按揭利率更低至2%,多少說明了日本銀行對物業市場高度看好,並期望海外投資者帶動經濟增長。 日本樓市在疫後迅速復甦,加上樓價低水,相信不論圓匯如何,日本樓市在未來十年都會有良好發展。世...


全球經濟復甦,也不代表海外樓市立即興旺,世紀21奇豐國際合伙人Manci Man表示投資者或自住人士仍舊會作出觀望。因此,現時澳洲的樓市不如去年興旺,且預計在2023年回調。澳洲樓市回調的原因是政府加息,這對投資成本有所影響,讓投資者先採取觀望態度。此外,海外買家還要支付印花稅,增加了投資成本。Manci 指出,由於澳洲過去十年的樓價升幅太大,政府引入了海外買家資格審查的費用。 移民政策吸引...
Manchester has the best performance of the rental market in UK, 15.6% annual change in rents.

Manchester has the best performance of the rental market in UK, 15.6% annual change in rents.

There are many reasons to invest in the UK property market, but as an overseas investor, there are some key advantages that make the UK an attractive investment destination. First and foremost, the UK...


I write to appreciate your professionalism and great efforts leading to our successful purchase of a new flat in London, UK.   

During our first contact with you on 23 March 2023, you did actively ask for details of our requirements including the budget, purpose and favourite location.  As we have no knowledge of UK real estate, you have explained to us clearly the process and formalities for buying property in UK and elaborated the pros and cons of purchasing 1st hand and 2nd hand properties.  This is our first time for buying overseas property, the information you provided was crucial and valuable.  Your patience in answering our enquiries and timely introduction of a new property that suited our requirements did impress us very much.  This also contributed to our quick decision to buy the flat on 30 March 2023.  During the purchasing process, you did liaise with the developer and solicitor closely and provide us assistance in filling various forms, making request for the change of completion date, etc.   

Again, thank you so much.

Mr & Mrs KWOK
Thank you so much to Andrew Chow for his recommendation and guidance. He is a nice and honest guy as I have known him for few years.  I didn't know how I was going to buy an investment property in UK, it needed some work and dealing with the developer and solicitor. 

Andrew did a fantastic job, it was efficient and very professional.  And thank you Manci Man for her patience and time to manage between the buyer, the developer and the solicitor. I was very satisfied. Working with Century 21 Goodwin International was a great experience, they walk us through the entire process which made it easy because I never bought a house from UK before.

Andrew and Manci were able to close and meet the time frame. I look forward to the completion of the project. Thank you again. 
Ms Ng
 I am writing to express my gratitude to Manci Man and her team for my purchase of 10 watkin road, Wembley in 2020. Manci demonstrated her in-depth knowledge of the UK property market, mortgage & taxation arrangements which is vital to me as a first-time buyer of a UK property. She also guided me on the contractual issues till the deal was confirmed. I highly recommend Manci’s professional service & I hope she & her team will continue to excel in the future.
Ms Lui
您好!! 我想藉此機會多謝Ms.Manci Man在我購置英國物業Woodberry Down的過程當中,給予我許多衷誠的協助與專業的意見,她豐富的經驗減輕了我初次在海外投資物業的疑問與得到更多的資訊與認知,Manci是我多年置業經歷中遇到最有責任,誠懇,細心耐心,效率高,專業及優越的一位業內人士。 將來如我再有機會作海外投資,我仍然希望Manci是我置業的首位顧問。 誠謝!!
Ms Tsoi


Century 21 is a professional firm and the staff have deep knowledge of the international property market. Their hands-on approach and positive attitudes are key reasons for their superior performance. I will not hesitate to recommend Century 21 to anyone.
Chris Hoong -
Developer - FEC Managing Director
To me, Century 21 can be described in 3 simple words, Reliable, Knowledgeable, Approachable. After officially working with the team for nearly a year, I am happy to say that they are one of the most professional, dedicated teams that I have ever worked with, always transparent to their approach with customers, very communicative, and most importantly, I am always well informed and they will always invite me in the conversation with the customer when necessary, makes me feel like part of the team when it comes to customer service. The team is very knowledgeable about the UK property market and always keen to learn more. I am happy to recommend C21 to my friends and family.
Jack Cheng
Barratt Londan
We enjoy working with Century 21 because our companies share the same ethos and aspirations. Our short, medium and long-term goals align making our partnership both easy and enjoyable for us and most importantly the customer.

As a top-tier UK developer, our goal is to build market-leading luxury real estate and to provide our buyers with a first-class service; Century 21 help us achieve this in Asia making sure buyers across this region are informed at every stage of the sale through to completion and beyond. Century 21 always act with integrity and transparency, they are not afraid to speak up to ensure the best outcome for the client.

The team at Century 21 is passionate about what they do, they are driven and trustworthy. Alliance & I look forward to growing our partnership over the coming years.
Mallam Grant
Partner and Head of Hong Kong at Alliance Investments


鄒文峰 Andrew Chow
李逸思 Sunny Lee
雷禮安 Wills Lui
陳韜 Chaco Chan
李蕙貞 Fay Lee