
40万英磅拨资令 Reading 雷丁市中心更安全

40万英磅拨资令 Reading 雷丁市中心更安全


超过 400,000 英镑的资金将用于使雷丁的两个区域更安全,将“降低犯罪风险”,以便警察可以停止“追捕罪犯”。

这是泰晤士河谷警察和犯罪专员马修·巴伯 (Matthew Barber) 的希望,他本月早些时候宣布了政府拨款。

这笔钱将用于减少Oxford Road和Coley地区的入室盗窃、抢劫和盗窃。


该地区有相当高的出租物业密度,可悲的是经常 - 在这种情况下雷丁与牛津相似 - 遗憾的是出租的房产通常是盗窃的目标,因此,其中一些资金将用于改善个人房产的家庭安全。

Police chief reveals how Rading's Safer Streets funding will be spent

More than £400,000 in funding set to be used to make two areas of Reading safer will ‘reduce the risk of crime’ so that police officers can stop ‘chasing around after criminals.’

That’s the hope of Matthew Barber, Thames Valley’s Police and Crime Commissioner, who announced the government grant earlier this month.

The money will be used to reduce burglary, robbery and theft in the Oxford Road and Coley areas.

It will be spent on providing support for landlords, training for police officers and installing more CCTV.

Explaining how the cash will be spent, Mr Barber told the Chronicle: “It is certainly [going to be] quite a bit of CCTV.

“It's not the same as, but it's similar to a previous project we had in Oxford.

“There's quite a high density of rental properties in the area, and sadly often -- and Reading is similar in to Oxford in this case -- it is sadly rented properties are often those targeted for burglaries, because landlords aren't necessarily that fussed about making sure that their properties are as well maintained as you might do if you're a homeowner.

“And so some of that money will be looking to improve home security on individual properties.

“I think that's the beauty of this sort of project because it is quite a large sum of money for a very tightly defined area.

“The first stage of the work will be to properly assess what needs to be done, but it will be CCTV, it will be some crime prevention advice, it will be training up both some police officers and some Council staff to be properly qualified to offer some crime prevention advice.

“You and I know you should lock your doors, but we probably don't know exactly which locks are the ones that are recommended to be most secure.


“It's about that and then potentially providing some grants for people to actually make sure that they follow that advice.

“Hopefully we end up with a building stock in that area which is physically more secure and that simply reduces the risk of crime rather than just chasing around after criminals.”

Retrieved from: https://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/news/19382530.police-chief-reveals-radings-safer-streets-funding-will-spent/ (18 Jun 2021)

