



根據 Tech Nation Report 2021,倫敦於2020年吸引了87億英鎊的VC科技創投資金,而英國各科技公司在2020年一共吸引到了至少110億英鎊的投資,排名全球第三。過去十年的成功有賴於英國的政策前瞻性,持續的投資和多元化,加上人才匯聚。

倫敦的 “科技獨角獸” 公司(市值已突破10億英鎊的初創科技企業)在2020年達到了55家,其中6間公司達到了這一里程碑 - Octopus Energy,Arrival,Cazoo,infobip,Gousto 和 Hopin。

在2021年頭幾個月,已經有5間位於倫敦的新科技獨角獸公司創立,分別有 Blockchain,PPRO,Touchlight Genetics,Starling Bank 和 Zego。

雖然2020年一直籠罩在疫情和脫歐的陰影之下,但英國科技行業逆流而上,交出了一份亮眼的成績表,並進一步鞏固了其作為歐洲第一科技中心的地位。展望未來,發展以 “人工智能” 為基礎的深度技術尤其關鍵,並加速再 “研發方面” 的投資以促進英國的新興深度技術(Deep Tech),從而確保英國的全球競爭力。

Capital’s unicorn count soaring as tech firms raise billions for London IPOs, major Tech Nation report finds

The capital saw a total of £8.7 billion of tech VC investment in the year, according to the annual Tech Nation Report 2021

Boris Johnson has said that he is "immensely proud to lead a government that is so comprehensively committed” to supporting the tech sector, as a major new report highlighted the soaring levels of capital tech firms are raising for London IPOs.

Tech Nation, a growth platform for tech companies and leaders that has seen start-ups including Monzo through from very early stage, released its annual report on the state of the sector on Tuesday.

The report found tech firms raised twice as much capital for London listings in 2020 as they did in 2018, and concluded that this signals "the UK’s attractiveness for tech companies and the continued health of the UK late-stage tech ecosystem".

The Government is hoping tech floats will help drive Britain’s recovery. The Chancellor has endorsed recommendations in Lord Hill's new Listing Review for a relaxation on the UK's stringent stock market rules that are seen as driving technology companies to float in the US, Asia or Amsterdam.

Deliveroo just selected London for a stock market flotation expected to value the company at more than $7 billion, with cybersecurity firm Darktrace expected to announce its own multi-billion pound London IPO. Consumer internet firms executing listings this spring include Trustpilot, whose IPO is expected to value the company at around £1 billion, and follow those of online card retailer Moonpig and The Hut Group.


Retrieved from http://c21home.hk/u/GOyLaD (March 16, 2021)

