
短視頻巨頭 TikTok 租倫敦新總部

短視頻巨頭 TikTok 租倫敦新總部


據最新報導,短視頻巨頭TikTok (抖音)已和業主Helical達成協議,正式租下位於倫敦市中心Farringdon 伊利沙伯線 (Elizabeth Line) 地鐵站上蓋大型寫字樓 - Kaleidoscope (萬花筒大樓)

根據公告,TikTok將租下該大樓全部空間 (辦公面積達88,600平方呎),意味著這棟大樓將成為 倫敦TikTok大樓TikTok將在今年對其內部進行裝修,然後在2022年初搬入Farringdon。預計該寫字樓可容納約850TikTok員工,並進一步帶動倫敦短視頻產業鏈向Farringdon區聚集。

為了表達在Kaleidoscope (萬花筒大樓) 長期進駐的決心,TikTok和業主簽署總共15年的租約(且至少要租10年後才可退租),為此業主也給予了TikTok一定的免租期。從區域上來看,TikTok選擇的Farringdon位於King's CrossBank (舊金融城) 之間,原本就是倫敦創意和設計產業的聚集地,這裡有多家知名公關廣告公司、還有不少建築設計事務所。值得一提的是,在TikTok入駐之前,該區就因為交通便利,吸引了眾多科技公司入駐,成了倫敦近年來發展最快、科技產業最為聚集的街區之一。


TikTok Leases New London Office Following U.K.-China Tech Spat


TikTok, the social media company owned by China’s ByteDance Ltd., has agreed to lease a new London office building months after a spat between the U.K. and China threatened to derail its expansion.

The firm has signed a 15-year lease for the 88,500 square foot (8,200 square meters) Kaleidoscope building in Farringdon, according to a statement from developer Helical Plc. The property was built above London’s still unfinished Crossrail train line and boasts a 5,000 square foot roof terrace.

Tensions over the U.K.’s decision to limit the use of Huawei Technologies Co. products in the country’s 5G infrastructure prompted TikTok to end talks for a global headquarters in Britain, the Sunday Times said in July. A U.K. government review into the social media company was likely to impose some restrictions on its activities but stop short of labeling it a similar threat to Huawei, Bloomberg reported in August.

A TikTok spokesman declined to comment further on the office lease. The company is still looking for a larger office in Dublin, Bloomberg reported last month.

Retrieved from http://c21home.hk/u/G0uHS4 (March 5 2021)

