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公司超荀福利 一切從「心」出發 大膽仿效電影《The Intern》情節

公司超荀福利 一切從「心」出發 大膽仿效電影《The Intern》情節

許多人會覺得地產代理公司都是利字當頭,員工們只不過是為公司跑數的Sales,公司和員工之間就只會講金而不講心。事實上,有些地產代理公司的確如此,不過這種公司文化已然過時,難以在今時今日發展長遠而成功的企業。 以「世紀21奇豐(國際)物業」為例,一直都深深明白公司以人為本的重要性,一切皆從「人性」的角度去考量,期望企業中每一位成員都能真正融入工作、熱愛工作,形成一個真正的「團隊」(Team),並貫徹尊重互信的原則,令同事有舒適的工作環境,這樣不但可以提升生產力,更從而令客人獲得更真誠的服務。當同事做得稱心,客人滿意度提升,公司就自然會獲益更多,而這些好處是不能以金錢去量度的。 關注同事的身心健康,是一大重點。最近我們就大膽地仿效外國電影《The Intern》(港譯《見習冇限耆》)中的情節,嘗試安排按摩師定期上門,在辦公時間內為有需要的員工按摩,讓他們的身體及心靈都可以放鬆一下。這件事情看似簡單,但真正要安排並不容易,我們由去年年中已開始計劃,應在今年初可以實行,預計每兩星期一次,到時公司所有同事都可享受此福利。 另外,我們亦嘗試鼓勵同事培養多方面興趣,不要被工作佔據所...

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向世界錢進:移英港人教路 網上地圖搵樓

向世界錢進:移英港人教路 網上地圖搵樓

離港半年前開始做功課 了解心儀地點附近環境 不少港人雖然計劃移英後買樓自住,但可能不知道從何入手,又或不敢輕舉妄動,畢竟買樓投入金額大,交易需時,萬一入錯市的機會成本極高。移英港人Sunny分享,移居半年前已在港物色英國物業,建議可使用地圖式網上工具,了解心儀地點附近的設施和環境,以更有效率找到合適的放盤。 Sunny一家四口今年6月飛抵英國,現時住在位於北約克郡(North Yorkshire)的Harrogate,由倫敦出發需約4個小時車程。 他指,移民英國的主因是想孩子在當地讀書,「兒子出世的年份碰巧是『雙非』學童最鼎盛時期,在香港讀書競爭十分激烈。若然入讀好學校,功課壓力會很大,所以便決定移居英國。」他又認為,搬到英國居住在適應上比想像中好,例如之前擔心當地人會歧視新來者,然而,當發現當地人歡迎他們到來,這憂慮一掃而空。 反而,最令人不習慣的是大部分英國人不會佩戴口罩,學校甚至不准戴口罩。不過,當地新冠肺炎感染個案多,所以他自己出入會戴口罩,卻也怕給人奇怪的感覺。 居住是移民首要解決問題。他分享其第一間入手購買的英國物業,因為一開始不熟悉當地,所以先選擇一個入...

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Consumers' Testimonals

It is always a bit of challenge to buy an off-plan property in UK, especially remotely from HK.  I am very happy to have Andrew to assist me with my journey from reservation through to completion.  Andrew provided professional and helpful support to make the whole process smoother and easier.  I am truly grateful for his assistance.

Andrew, thank you again!
United Kingdom

I write to appreciate your professionalism and great efforts leading to our successful purchase of a new flat in London, UK.   

During our first contact with you on 23 March 2023, you did actively ask for details of our requirements including the budget, purpose and favourite location.  As we have no knowledge of UK real estate, you have explained to us clearly the process and formalities for buying property in UK and elaborated the pros and cons of purchasing 1st hand and 2nd hand properties.  This is our first time for buying overseas property, the information you provided was crucial and valuable.  Your patience in answering our enquiries and timely introduction of a new property that suited our requirements did impress us very much.  This also contributed to our quick decision to buy the flat on 30 March 2023.  During the purchasing process, you did liaise with the developer and solicitor closely and provide us assistance in filling various forms, making request for the change of completion date, etc.   

Again, thank you so much.

Mr & Mrs KWOK
United Kingdom

I recently purchased a house with Simpson Tsang. He has guided us through the house hunting journey for the past six months. Simpson has solid knowledge of the UK property market and has been able to provide valuable suggestions. With his responsible working attitude and professionalism, we could confidently make plans and decisions knowing someone is there to support us as first time buyers. We will certainly work with him again should we purchase another property in the future.

Ms. Lee
United Kingdom

This is Samson Yeung, one of the buyers of The Exchange, Preston. 

I bought a unit from Century 21 almost a year ago. Everything goes auspiciously and fine ! Therefore, I would like appraise one of your colleagues, Mr. Chaco Chan, who has always proved his initiatives, as well as enthusiasm and professionalism, answered my queries, updated me with the progress of the building and provided insights and recommendations . He is a laudable, responsive and fully responsible person interpreting his role well and doing his great jobs all the time.

I will, of course, consider him as a friend and consultant when I have questions in the UK residential market.

Dr. Sze Lok Samson Yeung
United Kingdom
Thank you so much to Andrew Chow for his recommendation and guidance. He is a nice and honest guy as I have known him for few years.  I didn't know how I was going to buy an investment property in UK, it needed some work and dealing with the developer and solicitor. 

Andrew did a fantastic job, it was efficient and very professional.  And thank you Manci Man for her patience and time to manage between the buyer, the developer and the solicitor. I was very satisfied. Working with Century 21 Goodwin International was a great experience, they walk us through the entire process which made it easy because I never bought a house from UK before.

Andrew and Manci were able to close and meet the time frame. I look forward to the completion of the project. Thank you again. 
Ms Ng
United Kingdom
Thank you so much for helping us on the purchase of my new home, the Urban Green flat! We could not have done it this smoothly without you, and we are endlessly grateful for your hard work and expertise.

If any of our friends or family are ever in need of an agent, we will be sure to send them your way. We want to express our appreciation for the way you took the time to understand exactly what we were looking for in a new home. It made all the difference to know that you were mindful of the details in the whole process. Our trust in your ability grew quickly. It is right for us in every way.

Thank you again for everything!
Rio Cheng
United Kingdom
We are writing to express my heartfelt gratitude.  We are so lucky to have the opportunity to know “Century 21 Goodwin International”, especially we recognized Mr Vincent Li and Mr Simpson Tsang.  We appreciated the time they spent with us for more than half a year from selecting the location till completion.  

Vincent has provided his professional ideas for our selection of the location in UK, his valuable information is much helpful for us to make our decision.  Afterwards, we selected our target houses for viewing. Simpson put much effort from making appointment till placing offer to landlords.  Even though we have faced rejection by landlords for several times, he kept much effort in helping us.  He has shared his professional experiences in viewing our targeted houses and helped us in all the aspects.

During the whole process, Vincent and Simpson keep helping us all the aspects from selection of location, viewing targeted houses, dealing with local agents, landlords, surveyor and solicitors.  Keep helping us to solve our issues and questions. Without their kindness and professional helps, we would feel hard to do this big project!

Again, thank you the support from “Century 21 Goodwin International”, we should need continuous supports from your team.  Looking forward to meet Simpson in UK soon!
Raymond & Mona
United Kingdom
Many thanks to Mr. Vincent and Mr. Simpson for for helping me rent the property on 132 Buckhurst Avenue, Carshalton.
The service has been great and very helpful.
Many thanks again!
感謝 貴司的服務與幫忙,本人已正購買在英國雷丁的物業Green Park Village.

也感謝 Mr. Andrew Chow 一直的指引、提醒以及協助,令我們順利簽署了買賣合約。

例如我們不明於council tax的費用時,儘管不屬於發展商的收費,Andrew都會想辦法找資料,甚至查核我們所屬屋苑其他同類單位的收費,以致我們安心購買;
而且也會解釋香港與英國購買物業的分別,提醒要注意的事項與費用,當我們遇上稍難決擇時, Andrew也會專業地分析情況讓我們清晰地作決定。

在此,再一次感謝 貴司和 Andrew, 令我們在購買海外物業,也感受到方便與安心。

Thank you.
Dorothy Yeung / Bryan Ho
United Kingdom
I am writing to give thanks to Mr. Chaco wholeheartedly for the prompt assistance and service he rendered in my recent purchase of an apartment in Waterlily Court. Upon receipt of my request, Chaco gave me detailed information about the development which greatly facilitated my decision. And he successfully purchases the apartment for me within 24 hours. His knowledge of the UK property market and his hard work are all very amazing. 
Ms Ngai
 I am writing to express my gratitude to Manci Man and her team for my purchase of 10 watkin road, Wembley in 2020. Manci demonstrated her in-depth knowledge of the UK property market, mortgage & taxation arrangements which is vital to me as a first-time buyer of a UK property. She also guided me on the contractual issues till the deal was confirmed. I highly recommend Manci’s professional service & I hope she & her team will continue to excel in the future.
Ms Lui
您好!! 我想藉此機會多謝Ms.Manci Man在我購置英國物業Woodberry Down的過程當中,給予我許多衷誠的協助與專業的意見,她豐富的經驗減輕了我初次在海外投資物業的疑問與得到更多的資訊與認知,Manci是我多年置業經歷中遇到最有責任,誠懇,細心耐心,效率高,專業及優越的一位業內人士。 將來如我再有機會作海外投資,我仍然希望Manci是我置業的首位顧問。 誠謝!!
Ms Tsoi
I was introduced to Jeremy Li and Andrew Chow by an agent friend when I attended a Century 21 presentation of a property in Zhongshan.  Jeremy did an excellent job throughout that presentation and I was impressed by his being thorough, knowledgeable, and patient.  Although I did not find that location suitable, I kept in touch with Andrew to gather information on alternatives.Based on my requirements, Andrew came up with a possible property in Zhuhai very quickly.  His hard work in fulfilling customer satisfaction gave me the motivation to investigate further. 

I was invited to an interactive virtual presentation to view a sample property on site and I liked what I saw. With both Jeremy and Andrew's help in satisfactorily answering my queries, I made the decision to purchase on the spot.

Knowing this property is developed by one of China's most reputable developers, I was confident to proceed.  The subsequent procedures including deposit payments, ID verifications, legal representation, document signing, etc. have been satisfactorily arranged by Andrew.  I can see this purchase will proceed to a happy conclusion according to schedule.

I cannot recommend the service of both Jeremy and Andrew more highly, especially Andrew with whom I communicate mostly.  He's responsive and prompt, even during after-work hours, and I like working with him very much.

Making a purchase like this during this pandemic with cross-border restrictions should be a stressful business.  In my case, I thank both Andrew and Jeremy for their assistance in making it happen smoothly.
Margaret Yeung
I’m writing to thank you Century 21 Goodwin International’s assistance during my purchase of UK overseas property journey and provide useful information during the talk which is held in July 2021.

Special “thanks” to Mr. Andrew Chow who refers me suitable properties according to my budget plan and provides immediate useful information once I have any queries about the property.  He is kind of customer-oriented person.  He continues to show his professions by providing timely information even though I haven’t made up my mind to purchase particular flat.  When he aware of my concern about mortgage issue, he also offers me a chance to discuss with relevant parties in order to answer my queries.  This is really a surprise to me for his quick response.

I sincerely appreciate every efforts of the team Century 21 and my key contact Andrew.  Wish Century 21 and Andrew every success in the future overseas market. 
Ms Choi
United Kingdom

Developers' Testimonials

Century 21 is a professional firm and the staff have deep knowledge of the international property market. Their hands-on approach and positive attitudes are key reasons for their superior performance. I will not hesitate to recommend Century 21 to anyone.
Chris Hoong -
Developer - FEC Managing Director
To me, Century 21 can be described in 3 simple words, Reliable, Knowledgeable, Approachable. After officially working with the team for nearly a year, I am happy to say that they are one of the most professional, dedicated teams that I have ever worked with, always transparent to their approach with customers, very communicative, and most importantly, I am always well informed and they will always invite me in the conversation with the customer when necessary, makes me feel like part of the team when it comes to customer service. The team is very knowledgeable about the UK property market and always keen to learn more. I am happy to recommend C21 to my friends and family.
Jack Cheng
Barratt Londan
We enjoy working with Century 21 because our companies share the same ethos and aspirations. Our short, medium and long-term goals align making our partnership both easy and enjoyable for us and most importantly the customer.

As a top-tier UK developer, our goal is to build market-leading luxury real estate and to provide our buyers with a first-class service; Century 21 help us achieve this in Asia making sure buyers across this region are informed at every stage of the sale through to completion and beyond. Century 21 always act with integrity and transparency, they are not afraid to speak up to ensure the best outcome for the client.

The team at Century 21 is passionate about what they do, they are driven and trustworthy. Alliance & I look forward to growing our partnership over the coming years.
Mallam Grant
Partner and Head of Hong Kong at Alliance Investments