
Savills表示,隨著利率下降,英國樓價將在 2025 年恢復成長

Savills表示,隨著利率下降,英國樓價將在 2025 年恢復成長

第一太平戴維斯Savills表示,隨著利率下降,英國樓價將在 2025 年恢復成長 第一太平戴維斯 Savills 預計英國央行將於2024年下半年開始降息,年底基準利率從目前的5.25%降至4.75%。預測2027 年利率將降至1.75%。Savills預計2025 年房價將恢復3.5% 的上升,2026 年升至5%,2027 年升至6.5%,2028 年上升5%。https://w...

旅遊產業帶動日本經濟起動 投資旅遊區物業回報勝一籌

旅遊產業帶動日本經濟起動 投資旅遊區物業回報勝一籌

旅遊產業帶動日本經濟起動 投資旅遊區物業回報勝一籌 日本經濟可謂「再度起飛」! 除了股市之外,樓市亦相當暢旺,尤其當其他國家加息時,唯獨日本沒有,更在年初放寬貨款給海外買家,將按揭貸款放寬至最高7成,而按揭利率更低至2%,多少說明了日本銀行對物業市場高度看好,並期望海外投資者帶動經濟增長。 日本樓市在疫後迅速復甦,加上樓價低水,相信不論圓匯如何,日本樓市在未來十年都會有良好發展。世...

Manchester has the best performance of the rental market in UK, 15.6% annual change in rents.

Manchester has the best performance of the rental market in UK, 15.6% annual change in rents.

There are many reasons to invest in the UK property market, but as an overseas investor, there are some key advantages that make the UK an attractive investment destination. First and foremost, the UK...

倫敦Zone 2 Clapham - 你不能不認識的倫敦小區

倫敦Zone 2 Clapham - 你不能不認識的倫敦小區

位於倫敦西南邊的Clapham,是倫敦著名中產聚居地,因區內三鐵匯聚佔盡地利,分別有交通樞紐Clapham Junction、Clapham North Tube Station、Clapham Commmon Tube Station、Clapham High Street Overground及多條巴士線前往金融區,而且社區發展成熟。更有不少人誤以為Clapham是位於Zone 1,一來是因為...

Location, Location, Location

Location, Location, Location

Location – “location, location, location” is a very common term when it comes to real estate investing due to its importance. What makes a city & neighborhood attractive for real est...

Commercial Office Space – An investment opportunity that could be perfect for you

Commercial Office Space – An investment opportunity that could be perfect for you

Have you ever considered investing in commercial office space? Most real estate investors focus on residential because commercial is typically where larger companies specialize especially in markets o...

買美股好定係買海外樓好 (拜登放水篇)

買美股好定係買海外樓好 (拜登放水篇)

Source: Biden Outlines $1.9 Trillion Spending Package to Combat Virus and Downturn https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/14/business/economy/biden-economy.html 自2020年新冠肺炎疫情,無論港股或是美股經過短暫的災難式暴跌後,開始報復式反彈,今日...

Zero Ground Rent Leases in the UK – What do you need to know?

Zero Ground Rent Leases in the UK – What do you need to know?

New Legislation: All existing leaseholders will be given the right to extend their lease by a maximum term of 990 years at zero ground rent, Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick announced on 7 January 202...
