
伦敦市长Sadiq Khan警告因为疫症大流行改变当地的出行习惯,令伦敦面临严重的交通挤塞

伦敦市长Sadiq Khan警告因为疫症大流行改变当地的出行习惯,令伦敦面临严重的交通挤塞

London could become mired in gridlock because of a shift towards driving as a means of transport during the Covid pandemic, the city’s mayor, Sadiq Khan has said, warning that it risks creating a new health crisis from increased pollution.
While levels of walking and cycling have risen in the capital, the overall proportion of people making sustainable journeys has fallen as a result of the collapse in numbers using public transport.
Almost two years since the first lockdown, use of the tube is at 55% of pre-pandemic levels, and bus use is at 70%. In contrast, car use returned to close-to-normal levels during much of the second half of 2021.
A comparison of all transport modes in London during 2020 showed that the proportion of journeys made by walking, cycling and public transport fell to an estimated 58.3%, as against 63.2% in 2019.

资料来源:The Guardian
(11, Jan 2022)
