香港人投資買樓都很鐘情地鐵沿線和上蓋的物業,而英國倫敦地鐵沿線的樓價又是如何?英國銀行 Nationwide發布一份研究,統計倫敦地鐵樓價數據以及地鐵沿線周邊的樓價排名。數據顯示,倫敦地鐵或火車站周邊的物業,在樓價上普遍會因為 “交通效應” 的因素而高多 46,800英鎊。

在倫敦所有地鐵線當中,Circle Line 附近的樓價最高,平均總樓價為 852,000英鎊,排名第二及第三位的分別是 Bakerloo Line 和 Victoria Line。Circle Line 最貴是主要因為這條地鐵線是倫敦地鐵中唯一一條環繞住倫敦市中心 (Zone 1) 運行,幾乎所有站都在 Zone 1 和 Zone 2 內,因此平均樓價表現最高。第二,由於 Circle Line 和很多其他地鐵線路都有重疊交匯,因此轉乘非常方便,可前往倫敦市內各個知名景點。
雖然疫情以來,英政府建議市民盡可能 Work From Home,倫敦等其他城市的公共交通使用量大幅度下降,但倫敦交通站點附近的樓價近幾個月以來卻一直上升。 Nationwide 分析稱,這可能是因倫敦居民的出行嚴重依賴公共交通,即使在疫情期間依然如此。
Going Underground: Circle Line stations have the highest priced homes in area with average property on market for £852,000 - while London buyers face £50,000 premium to live closer to Tube or rail stops
Circle Line stations have the highest priced homes in London with the average property on the market for £852,000 - while buyers in the capital face a typical premium of nearly £50,000 to live closer to Tube or rail stops, a study has found.
Nationwide Building Society published the findings today after comparing house prices within 500 metres (0.3 miles) of the nearest metro or railway station with similar properties 1.5km (0.9 miles) away.
It found that people in London pay a typical £46,800 premium to be close to a station, while people in Glasgowpay an average of around £11,400 more, while those in Greater Manchester pay a premium of about £11,000.
Researchers found that premiums to be close to a station have been increasing in London and Glasgow in recent months despite the guidance on working from home across the country, but have shrunk in Manchester.
It comes as separate research revealed homes in England's market towns are now worth £36,000 more than other locations, with buyers typically forking out double for the privilege in the most sought-after spots.
Nationwide's senior economist Andrew Harvey said: 'London home buyers still appear willing to pay a significant premium for being close to a station compared with those in Glasgow and Greater Manchester.
'This probably reflects the greater reliance on public transport in the capital, with residents less likely to drive.
'The pandemic does not appear to have reduced the desirability of being close to a station in London, despite reduced public transport usage. Indeed, our analysis suggests the premium has actually increased slightly compared with pre-pandemic levels.
'We've also seen a noticeable increase in the premium to be located close to a station in the Greater Glasgow area, but in Greater Manchester, home buyers appear to be placing a little less value on being close to a rail or tram stop compared to before the pandemic.'
He added: 'It is possible that priorities for home buyers in the Greater Manchester area have changed during the pandemic, with a greater emphasis placed on things like local amenities and access to outdoor space.'
Looking at London, Mr Harvey said: 'The Circle line serves the capital's most expensive areas taking in much of central London and also parts of west London. Average house prices are around £850,000 in areas where the nearest station is on the Circle line.
'Of all the London Underground lines, average house prices are least expensive where the nearest station is on the Metropolitan line (£474,000). This probably reflects that it stretches towards the outer suburbs, with only a short section in central London.'
It comes as millions of Britons could be told to continue working from home past June 21 as the price for lifting the rest of the lockdown.
Last Friday it emerged that ministers are thought to be examining keeping the guidance for people to avoid unnecessary trips to offices and other workplaces to offset the spread of the Indian variant.
They were said to be hoping that this mitigation could allow the rest of the lockdown rules due to be lifted in less than a fortnight as planned, despite fears that hospitalisations and deaths could increase.
Last month senior government advisers warned against promoting a return to the office in summer amid fears it could encourage a third coronavirus wave.
Members of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) argued that working from is a simple and cheap way to reduce contact.
They said there is no need to rush back to offices because that drastically increases their contact with others. The current advice is to work from home unless being in the office is required.
Retrieved from: (10 Jun 2021)