
英國人行道上騎電動滑板車會導致 300 英鎊的罰款

英國人行道上騎電動滑板車會導致 300 英鎊的罰款



國家事故幫助熱線的一項新調查發現,大多數英國人不知道在人行道上騎電動滑板車是違法的,違反這項法律可能會導致 300 英鎊的罰款,他們的駕照最多扣 6 分,如果是私人擁有,他們的電動滑板車將被扣押。

此外,只有 37% 的人知道在騎電動滑板車時不得使用手機,令人震驚的是,只有 45% 的人知道在喝醉或以其他方式醉酒時不得騎電動滑板車。

十分之六 (60%) 也不知道建議騎手戴頭盔——儘管這些頭盔達到了高達每小時 22 英里的高速——而十分之四(40%)錯誤地認為任何 13 歲以上的人都可以在英國騎電動滑板車。至少,乘客必須持有臨時英國駕照,因此年齡至少需要 15 歲零 9 個月。

目前,英格蘭有大約 50 個活躍的電動滑板車租賃試驗,作為政府計劃的一部分,該計劃由交通部於 2020 年 7 月首次推出,以支持當地旅行的綠色重啟並幫助減輕公共交通容量的減少。該試驗最近已延長至 2022 年。電動滑板車使用的急劇增加促使一些警察被迫就「這些機器對騎手和行人構成的危險」發出警告,國家事故幫助熱線的專家呼籲政府引入更強有力的執法和保護所有弱勢道路使用者的安全措施。

e-scooter rules can land you a £300 fine and points on you driving licence


Thirds of Brits unaware of important safety rules and the potential consequences of breaking the rules, according to personal injury specialists National Accident Helpline.

There have been long-running safety concerns about e-scooters with dozens of e-scooter trials taking place across the UK, but not following the rules can also lead to a heavy fine and even loosing your driving licence.

A new survey from National Accident Helpline found the majority of Brits are unaware that it is illegal to ride any e-scooter on a pavement, and that breaking this law could lead to a £300 fine, up to six points on their driving licence, and their e-scooter being impounded if it is privately owned.

In addition, just 37% know that you must not use a mobile phone while riding an e-scooter, and shockingly only 45% are aware that you must not ride an e-scooter while drunk or otherwise intoxicated. 

Six in ten (60%) also don’t know that riders are advised to wear a helmet - despite these reaching high speeds of up to 22mph - while four in ten (40%) incorrectly believe that anyone over the age of 13 is permitted to ride an e-scooter in the UK. 

At a minimum, riders must have a provisional UK driving licence and therefore need to be aged at least 15 years and 9 months old. 

Currently there are around 50 active e-scooter rental trials taking place across England as part of a government initiative that was first introduced in July 2020 by the Department for Transport to support a green restart of local travel and help mitigate reduced public transport capacity. The trial has recently been extended into 2022. 

A sharp rise in the use of e-scooters has prompted some police forced to issue warnings on  ‘the danger these machines pose to both the rider and pedestrians’, and experts at National Accident Helpline are calling on the Government to introduce more robust enforcement and safety measures to protect all vulnerable road users. 

Jonathan White, Legal and Compliance Director of National Accident Helpline, said: “E-scooters are an attractive option in helping the nation to embrace more environmentally friendly transport options. However, introducing these schemes without putting adequate safety and enforcement measures in place puts the public at risk. 

“With e-scooter trials being extended and private sales growing, we would ask that the Government ensures all riders are made aware of the rules and that there is a legal requirement in place to wear appropriate safety protection, such as cycle helmets, when operating e-scooters. We believe the speed limit should also be reduced to 12.5mph, as is the case in Germany. 

“Other important new safety initiatives in the trial areas could include specific e-scooter routes or roads, usage curfews, and even artificial noise devices that issues audible alerts to pedestrians.  

“There are already several published papers on the risk to person injury – and the data is seriously concerning. This is a matter that simply must not be ignored.”  

Retrieved from: https://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/news/19401317.e-scooter-rules-can-land-300-fine-points-driving-licence/ (26 Jun 2021)
